
Hi! I’m Fabienne, the nerd behind Libri Draconis. I have always loved reading more than anything else, and have been reviewing and rating books on Goodreads and Netgalley for a while. My friends also claim that I am somewhat talented at shoving great books at them, whether they ask for recommendations or not. In that spirit, I decided to branch out into creating a real book blog, and I hope you enjoy reading my opinions. Libri Draconis has been live since August 2018 and keeps growing and enriching my life.
Besides reading, Dungeons and Dragons has taken over our lives in the past couple of years, and I love cooking and swimming in the river – oh, and cats of course. After having been mainly Switzerland-based for two and a half decades, I moved to London in 2019, and I am very excited to be a part of the lively UK bookish community!
In real life, I’m a professional nerd. After a long stint into medieval history, eighteenth-century mathematicians and digital editions I did an MA in Publishing at UCL. I’m currently freelancing in various areas of publishing and love playing with stories more than anything – my dream is to one day be nominated for a best editor Hugo award. But in the meantime, I’m on the judging panel for the British Fantasy Awards and the Subjective Kinds of Chaos Awards for 2021.

I’m Anna, recently seduced by Fabienne’s excellent book recommendations. I have been reading and making up fantastical stories for as long as I can remember, and a long stint in university means I also have opinions about them.
I am currently a PhD student at the University of Exeter, researching the Horned God in fantasy fiction. My love for all things horned and antlered also manifested in an MA dissertation about deer in Medieval Romance and reams of deer-themed fanfiction. In verse! (please don’t go looking for it).
On a more serious note, I’ve been editing, proofreading and peer-reviewing for Luna Press Publishing, Fantastika, and Mapping the Impossible. You can check out my work in The British Fantasy Award winner Gender Identity and Sexuality in Fantasy and Science Fiction and in the 2nd issue of Hellebore.

Greetings fellow readers! I’m Kat, and I’m genuinely excited to be a contributing member of the Libri Draconis team. Reading has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember; I have always found solace and even escape wrapped in the arms of a favorite book. My love affair with the fantastic started when I was six years old and I saw Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn. I was captivated, and spent my childhood and teenage years devouring any Science Fiction content I could find.
In fact, I was so enthralled that I dedicated my education and career to space exploration. I am currently a Flight Software and Systems Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in sunny Los Angeles, California. I have a PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (And yes, in fact, I am a rocket scientist.) Since then, my preferences within Speculative Fiction, and Fiction in general, have evolved. Overall, my reading currently tends toward the Fantasy, Romance, and Literary Fiction genres – I have a special place in my heart for the Classics – and I’m fascinated by literary analysis, genres, and periods.

Hi I’m Sun, I can also be found given a variety of opinions under the name Suncani. I spent most of my childhood with my nose stuck in a book and never really grew out of it although the resulting opinions have probably got a bit more reasoned since! My reading tends towards space opera and folklore-inspired/influenced fantasy along with a variety of short fiction. When I’m not reading I do a range of crafts the most recent being geeky cross-stitches and making my own clothes. I’m currently a juror for the Subjective Kinds of Chaos Awards for 2021.